DRC Resources - Miscellaneous Publications

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Miscellaneous 1980 and 1989

Mangani, M., Mansilu, M, & Bertrand, J.T.(1984). La promotion des naissances desirables au Bas Zaire Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNABU610.pdf

Malonga, M. (1987). Alternative distribution systems: future prospects (Rep.). Retrieved from http://www.popline.org/node/358184

[Fertility and family planning, Kinshasa, 1988] | www.urbanreproductivehealth.org. (1988). MLE Project for the Urban RH Initiative | Www.urbanreproductivehealth.org. Retrieved from http://www.urbanreproductivehealth.org/resource/fecondite-et-planification-familiale-kinshasa-1988-fertility-and-family-planning-kinshasa


Miscellaneous 2000 to Present

Data sheet charts family planning progress. (1997). Popul Today, 25(6), 5. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12320944

Global Health Council - Congo Health Update. (2001, July). Global Health Council - A Voice for Global Health. Retrieved from http://www.globalhealth.org/reports/printview-text.php3?id=8

Kintaudi, L. (2001). Fbos and the ministry of health in Dr Congo.

Assessment of Reproductive Health in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Rep.). (2002, July). Retrieved from http://www.rhrc.org/resources/drc_rh.pdf

Michel, L. (2003, October 15). Campaign to promote family planning and the fight against STDs and HIV/AIDS. Alternatives. Retrieved from http://journal.alternatives.ca/eng/our-organisation/our-projects/article/campaign-to-promote-family?lang=f

LE GROUPE "ELDORADO", UNE VERITABLE EXPERIENCE DE LA PARTICIPATION DES JEUNES GARCONS!!! | societecivile.cd. (2004, March 26). Societecivile.cd | Le Portail De La Societe Civile En Republique Democratique Du Congo. Retrieved from http://www.societecivile.cd/node/1559

Aid to the Church in Need: Democratic Republic of Congo: Natural Family Planning. (2004, April 6). Boardhost: Create a Free Forum. Reliable, Remotely Hosted. Retrieved from http://members4.boardhost.com/acnaus/msg/2147.html

LA RD CONGO ET LA CONTRACEPTION D'URGENCE | societecivile.cd. (2005, March 26). Societecivile.cd | Le Portail De La Societe Civile En Republique Democratique Du Congo. Retrieved from http://www.societecivile.cd/node/2232

Introducing the TwoDay Method® to Experienced Natural Family Planning Providers in Africa. (March 2008). Washington, D.C.: Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Retrieved from http://www.irh.org/?q=content/fam_drc

Alem, J. (2008). Gender and sexual and reproductive rights of women: Where do we stand today? (Rep.). Retrieved from http://diplomatie.belgium.be/en/binaries/gender_sexual_reproductive_rights_women_en_tcm312-65151.pdf

Toth, C. (2008). Cell Phone Hotline Spreads Family Planning Information in DR Congo (Rep.). Retrieved from http://www.flexfund.org/resources/technical_updates/psi_drc_case_study.pdf

Annual Activity Report 2008-2009 (Rep.). (2009). Retrieved from http://www.henriettesrelief.org/pdf/HKMF%20Annual%20Report%202008-2009.pdf

Anthony, O. (2009, December). REPORT ON FOLLOW UP OF SERVICE PROVIDERS AND MANAGERS TRAINED IN FAMILY PLANNING QUALITY OF CARE (Rep.). Retrieved from http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=65&ved=0CEAQFjAEODw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rcqhc.org%2 Fdownload%2FFP_DOCS%2FDemocratic_Republic_of_Congo_Final_REPORT
%255B1%255D.doc&rct=j&q=kinshasa%20%22family%20planning%22&ei= 0OhTTqvWDYuFtgfo2qXEBQ&usg=AFQjCNF1m17E_1kKh3fYUY4sMdiq7A_fWg&cad=rja

Democratic Republic of Congo | IRH. (2009). IRH | Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) Georgetown University. Retrieved from http://www.irh.org/?q=content/fam_drc

RAPPORT ANNUEL D'ACTIVITES 2009 | societecivile.cd. (2009). Societecivile.cd | Le Portail De La Societe Civile En Republique Democratique Du Congo. Retrieved from http://www.societecivile.cd/node/4452

Castle, T. (2010, September 1). God Likes Family Planning << The Common Ground Blog. The Common Ground Blog. Retrieved from http://thecommongroundblog.com/2010/09/01/god-likes-family-planning/

AllAfrica.com: Congo-Kinshasa: Repositionnement de la planification familiale. (2010, August 13). AllAfrica.com: Home. Retrieved from http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/201008130508.html

Democratic Republic of Congo | PSI. (2010). Home | PSI. Retrieved from http://www.psi.org/democratic-republic-congo

IGHID hosts panel discussion to address global family planning efforts. (2010). Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases. Retrieved from http://globalhealth.unc.edu/2009/07/ighid-hosts-panel-discussion-to-address-global-family-planning-efforts/

UNFPA - Funding Gaps, High Fertility and Child Marriage Thwart Efforts to Reduce Maternal Mortality in RDC. (2010, January 6). UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved from http://www.unfpa.org/public/cache/offonce/news/pid/4658;jsessionid=64B2AA43A059511C125D0A579E2A3BA5

C-Change | DR Congo. (2011). C-Change | Innovative Approaches to Social and Behavior Change Communication. Retrieved from http://c-changeprogram.org/where-we-work/drcongo

FHI Project Inspires Government Support for Integration of Family Planning and HIV Services. (2011). FHI 360. Retrieved from http://www.fhi.org/en/CountryProfiles/DRCongo/res_FPHIV.htm

Highlights of FHI's Work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Rep.). (2011, April). Retrieved from http://www.fhi.org/NR/rdonlyres/ejzifkq3cg2udfsp4wz2nb7oyrrxvywdtsqu6o37rbbg4k